Don't Plan a Future or Marry This Kind of Man or Woman - Evang Mike Bamiloye Warned.

The visioner of Mount Zion Films, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye on his Facebook page recently expressed his worry about the singles and warned those planning to settle down in marriage of the kind of partner they should avoid getting married to. 

In the post, the veteran started by expressing his worry whenever he sees singles, whom he tagged "blessed" with so much vision and talent. According to him, he was worried that such man or woman would get married to someone who would swallow all the visions and ideas, leaving him empty after they had been married.

He wrote,

"All around us today are a lot of sisters who are like jackpot. You drop your money and they swallow it. Anything you drop inside they swallow it. They swallow visions and ideas, leaving the man empty a few months after marriage"

He further expressed how displeased he feels whenever he finds out that there are men, who would promise to support their partners' visions during their period of courtship, only to discourage them after they had gotten married.

He emphasized that, 

"Many Sisters whose names were ringing aloud everywhere in the Vineyard have suddenly vanished in the thin air after their wedding"

He warned singles, to avoid people like this, and maintain the fervency they had when they were single, even after they get married.

Check the post below:

You can follow his Facebook page for more inspiring messages.

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