It is High Time We Let Go of Denomination Barriers, Ethnicity and Political Alliances in Nigeria - Pastor Daniel Olawande

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The National Youth Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church o God, Pastor Daniel Olawande, has taken to his tweet to address the parts we have been missing out as regards the present situation of the country. 

In the threads that he titled "Special Address to Believers in Nigerian Especially Intercessors on The State of The Nation", the youth revivalist expressed his bother on why it looks like we are praying so much in Nigeria, but things are getting rather worse than good or probably God is not answering us. He therefore revealed what God gave to him as the solution to the problem with gospel bet that if the revelation is being taken to consideration, Nigeria is close to experiencing effective changes.

He started by spelling out the importance of believers in the state of the nation and how these matters concerns us the most. According to him,

"believers are the salts of the earth and as salts, we are to give taste but it looks like we are not giving any taste or the taste is not significant enough to effect a change." 

 He further explained why our prayers are not answered, even with our rigorous session of prayers. He people are praying but they are angry, they are bitter, they are offended and disappointed. He continued by saying that people pray to God for change but their hearts are in pain, they are not happy but in agony, hence they think that God will answer due to the volume of the pain and wrath in their heart.


Admitting to this mistake people make while praying, he tweeted:

"I felt wrath and anger are good standpoints to pray from, but the Holy Ghost shocked me with this scripture. For man's anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires]." - James 1:20 AMPC.

He then gave the verdict of God concerning the matter in his other tweet that:

"The Lord is saying if you will come to me, heal, forgive and come with a heart of Love for your nation, genuine compassion for the Nation Nigeria, a desire for change born out of genuine healing and love for the nation, intercession from a heart of love and not anger and wrath."

He went further to explain that the time has come for believers and intercessors to let go of barriers of denomination, ethnicity, and political alliances and be moved by one thing that binds us, which is THE BLOOD OF JESUS. He noted that until we realise we are brothers and sisters that we will advance in unity for healing and seek ABBA's Face.

He concluded by emphasizing the need to always pray for our leaders and representives in the positions of power according to 1 Timothy 2:2

Read the complete epistolary tweets in the screenshots below:


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